WordPress music themes are big business, WordPress music themes with WooCommerce mean more business for you! I have hand selected 41 of the best music WordPress themes with WooCommerce integration.
WooCommerce integration means you can sell anything with ease. Whether it’s for a band, record label or club, you’ve got it covered if you use WooCommerce.
JamSession – Music and Music Band WordPress Theme
by SmartWPress
JamSession by SmartWPress is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and masonry post layouts.
SoundBlast – Music Band WordPress Theme
by Chimpstudio
SoundBlast by Chimpstudio is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
Sura – Music Web App WordPress Theme
by FinalDestiny
Sura by FinalDestiny is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
SLAM – Music Band – Musician and Dj WordPress Theme
by QantumThemes
SLAM by QantumThemes is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
Tuned Balloon – Music WordPress Theme
Tuned Balloon by AnarielDesign is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration and a grid layout.
Flycase – Complete Music Solution for WordPress
by BrutalDesign
Flycase by BrutalDesign is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design and masonry post layouts.
Decibel – Professional Music WordPress Theme
by BrutalDesign
Decibel by BrutalDesign is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, support for RTL languages, Mega Menu, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design and masonry post layouts.
Club – Premium Music WordPress Theme
Club by Cssignitervip is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, WooCommerce integration, support for photo galleries, flat design aesthetics and a grid layout.
Soundboard – a Premium Responsive Music WordPress Theme
by red_sun
Soundboard by Red_sun is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, WooCommerce integration and a grid layout.
Music Club – Music – Band – Club – Party WordPress Theme
by GoodLayers
Music Club by GoodLayers is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, Mega Menu, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, can be used for your portfolio, magazine style layouts and minimal design.
Speaker – One-Page Music WordPress Theme
by BrutalDesign
Speaker by BrutalDesign is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, retro, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design and masonry post layouts.
UNIK – Universal Music Responsive WordPress Theme
by Nitro_Themes
UNIK by Nitro_Themes is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization and can be used for your portfolio.
Remix – Music Band Club Party Event WP Theme
by Codevz
Remix by Codevz is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, magazine style layouts, masonry post layouts and a grid layout.
EPROM – WordPress Music Theme
by rascals
EPROM by Rascals is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design, can be used for your portfolio, masonry post layouts and a grid layout.
IronBand – Music Band and DJ WordPress Theme
IronBand by IronTemplates is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design, Bootstrap framework utilization, is great for your personal site and a grid layout.
Lush – Music Band and Musician WordPress Theme
Lush by IronTemplates is a WordPress music theme which features parallax elements, support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design and a grid layout.
NOISE – One-Page DJs and Band WordPress Theme
by fitwp
NOISE by Fitwp is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design, Bootstrap framework utilization, corporate style visuals and a grid layout.
Muse – Music Band Responsive WordPress Theme
by GrandPixels
Muse by GrandPixels is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, WooCommerce integration, blogging related layouts and optimizations and a grid layout.
Chords – Music – Artist – Radio WordPress theme
Chords by Cssignitervip is a WordPress music theme which features parallax elements, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, WooCommerce integration and masonry post layouts.
Muzak – Music WordPress theme
Muzak by Cssignitervip is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization, support for photo galleries and masonry post layouts.
Live – Music WordPress Theme
by BrutalDesign
Live by BrutalDesign is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design and masonry post layouts.
RockOn – Multi-Purpose Music WP Theme
by CrunchPress
RockOn by CrunchPress is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization, masonry post layouts and a grid layout.
AtomBand – Responsive Dj Events and Music Theme
by Chimpstudio
AtomBand by Chimpstudio is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
Odio – Music WP Theme For Bands – Clubs – and Musicians
by freevision
Odio by Freevision is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design, is great for your personal site, masonry post layouts and a grid layout.
Metric – Music Band Responsive WordPress Theme
by GrandPixels
Metric by GrandPixels is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, blogging related layouts and optimizations and a grid layout.
Trio – Band WordPress Theme
Trio by ProgressionStudios is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration and can be used for your portfolio.
Acoustic – Premium Music WordPress Theme
Acoustic by Cssignitervip is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, WooCommerce integration and support for photo galleries.
Dubstep – Premium Music WordPress Theme
Dubstep by Cssignitervip is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
Calendo Responsive WordPress Theme
Calendo Responsive WordPress Theme by CRIK0VA is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, WooCommerce integration and magazine style layouts.
Vibration – Responsive Music and Events Theme
by Skyali
Vibration by Skyali is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and clean design.
Vocal – Music Event WordPress Theme
by themeum
Vocal by Themeum is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization and a grid layout.
Musico – For Musicians By Musicians
by bonsaished
Musico by Bonsaished is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, WooCommerce integration and is great for your personal site.
MusicHub – Music – Band – Club – Party WordPress Theme
MusicHub by ElephantThemes is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization and magazine style layouts.
Nilltone Multimedia Music – Video – Event Magazine
by NillTheme
Nilltone Multimedia Music by NillTheme is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, one page layouts, fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, Bootstrap framework utilization, can be used for your portfolio, magazine style layouts, flat design aesthetics, a grid layout and minimal design.
Soundstage – WordPress Theme For Bands – Musicians
by mintthemes
Soundstage by Mintthemes is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration and clean design.
Rock Band – Awesome Music Template
by bonsaished
Rock Band by Bonsaished is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Google Fonts support, WooCommerce integration and minimal design.
VibeMusic – Musicians – Deejays – Singers – Bands WordPress Theme
VibeMusic by ElephantThemes is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
Spikes – Music Band WordPress Theme
by Chimpstudio
Spikes by Chimpstudio is a WordPress music theme which features support for RTL languages, fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration and Bootstrap framework utilization.
BeatMix Music and Band WordPress Theme
by kopasoft
BeatMix Music And Band WordPress Theme by Kopasoft is a WordPress music theme which features parallax elements, fully responsive layouts, search engine optimization, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, clean design, can be used for your portfolio and masonry post layouts.
MUSICFLOW – music – bands wordpress theme
MUSICFLOW by GOZAWI is a WordPress music theme which features fully responsive layouts, Revolution Slider and WooCommerce integration.
WeMusic – Music Band Event WordPress Theme
by NooTheme
WeMusic by NooTheme is a WordPress music theme which features Retina display support, parallax elements, fully responsive layouts, Google Fonts support, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce integration, masonry post layouts and a grid layout.
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