The Best Home Repair, Contractor & DIY Store Themes for Shopify

This collection includes Shopify themes for plumbing stores, flooring suppliers, general DIY stores and everything between.

Simple Construction Store
Building Materials Store
Tools & Equipment
Tools Equipment
Hammer On

Simple Construction Store

Simple Construction Store, downloadable from Template Monster, is a Shopify ecommerce theme which features material design, Bootstrap support, a user registration form, support for multiple currencies, a grid layout, contact form integration, social media functionality, newsletter integration, jQuery effects, built-in sliders, dropdown menus, online chat integration, favicon support, search engine optimized code, a mobile and tablet compatible layout, and more.

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Woodwork is a highly rated Shopify ecommerce theme which features multi-currency support, grid layouts, social media functionality, contact form integration, Bootstrap framework utilization, a dropdown menu, a user registration form, online chat functionality, support for favicons, a mobile and tablet compatible layout, newsletter integration, jQuery effects, and more.

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Building Materials Store

Here’s a nice Shopify theme, available from Template Monster, which features search engine optimized code, Bootstrap support, support for multiple currencies, support for favicons, live chat support, a fully responsive layout, social media support, newsletter integration, built in contact forms, a user registration form, jQuery effects, a set of dropdown menus, grid layouts, and more.

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Here’s a superb website theme which features newsletter integration, support for multiple currencies, clean design, contact form integration, a dropdown menu, social media functionality, Bootstrap framework utilization, a user registration form, jQuery effects, a responsive layout, favicon support, grid layouts, live chat integration, and more.

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Tools & Equipment

Here’s an outstanding theme for Shopify which features a mobile and tablet compatible layout, dropdown menus, built in contact forms, newsletter integration, Bootstrap support, search engine optimized code, support for favicons, social media functionality, jQuery effects, multi-currency support, parallax backgrounds, live chat integration, grid layouts, a user registration form, and more.

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This is an epic theme for Shopify, downloadable from Template Monster, called Toolopolis. It features Bootstrap framework utilization, newsletter integration, a grid layout, search engine optimization, contact form integration, a user registration form, favicon support, jQuery effects, multi-currency support, social media support, dropdown menus, online chat integration, a mobile and tablet compatible layout, and more.

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Tools Equipment

Here’s a lovely theme which features online chat integration, a fully responsive layout, built in contact forms, parallax multi layered graphics, search engine optimization, multi-currency support, jQuery effects, a set of dropdown menus, Bootstrap framework utilization, social media support, a grid layout, newsletter integration, a user registration form, and favicon support.

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Hammer On

Here’s a Shopify ecommerce theme which features jQuery effects, a fully responsive layout, a grid layout, support for favicons, support for multiple currencies, Bootstrap support, contact form integration, social media functionality, newsletter integration, live chat support, search engine optimization, a dropdown menu, and a user registration form.

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Here’s a nice theme which features dropdown menus, video embedding functionality, jQuery effects, newsletter integration, multi-currency support, Bootstrap framework utilization, contact form integration, a grid layout, support for favicons, search engine optimized code, social media functionality, a user registration form, and a fully responsive layout.

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Here’s an outstanding ecommerce theme which features a user registration form, newsletter integration, support for favicons, grid layouts, search engine optimization, contact form integration, a dropdown menu, social media functionality, support for multiple currencies, jQuery effects, Bootstrap framework utilization, video integration, a mobile and tablet compatible layout, and more.

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Solar Energy Shopify Theme

EMpower is a website theme which features a fully responsive layout, slider support, video integration, and more.

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